Nearly 5 tons of cocaine seized in joint operation

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Cocaine Seized

 Armada Nacional, Republic of Colombia (Bogota) 9-28-10

Nearly 5 tons of cocaine were seized when Panamanian authorities passed intelligence information to the Colombian National Navy pursuant to a cooperation agreement between both countries.

The operation took place 65 nautical miles from Colon, Panama. Twelve rifles and 24 loaders were also seized. The total weight of the cocaine was 4,926 kilos, and its black market value set at 123 million dollars.


El Debate (Culiacan, Sinaloa) 9-28-10

Bagged bodies found in Jalisco

Ixtlahuacan – Eight plastic bags containing human remains were found this morning in this city on the Guadalajara-Chapala highway.

Police responding to the scene reported that minutes before 8 a.m. they had received a telephone call reporting the location of bags leaking blood at that location.

“Upon arriving, we saw what looked like plastic garbage bags containing body parts. We could not tell precisely how many bodies in total, but the bags contain three or four mutilated bodies,” explained a Police Commander.

Detectives from the Forensic Institute of Jalisco picked up the remains and transported them to the Medical Forensics Service in Guadalajara.


Fox urges modification of anti-narcotics strategy

In his weekly article at the Fox Center, ex-president Vicente Fox Quesada opined that our country needs a change of strategy in the fight against organized crime.

In his article, titled “Mexico in the 21st Century,” Fox justified his view with the high cost of the fight and the loss of 28,000 lives and the harmful impact in other areas (of Mexican society).

Fox says that the perception and image foreign countries have of Mexico has economic and tourism consequences and these are the principal challenges confronting Mexico at this time.

Fox reiterated his proposal to alleviate the high costs (in the war on drugs) by returning the Army to its quarters and legalizing the production and distribution of drugs to end the enormous financial profits of the drug mafias.

Fox also criticized the United States for its abhorrent violations of human rights such as those found in Arizona’s SB-1070.


Other stories in El Debate:

  • Young person executed in Fraccionamiento Las Glorias
  • One person executed by gunshots in Sinaloa de Leyva
  • Another executed person found in El Vergel, Navolato
  • Armed group kidnaps a young man in Colonia Libertad


Editorial in El Debate:

Lawless Cities

The violence in Mexico, as we know, does not have faces, names or a public conscience. The agenda of organized crime is but one: to take control.

And, here we are looking at small cities in various states where we mourn the loss of 11 mayors whose lives were ended by gunshots or stoning like what happened to the City Councilman in Tancitaro, Michoacan.

What is worse is the gloom brought by such instances. As happened in Santiago, where Edelmiro Cavazos was murdered, one of the gangster triggermen revealed that the Municipal Police had asked the Zetas to liquidate him because he simply did not get in line.

We are in a true state of failure where organized crime is settling its feuds in cities torn apart and deprived of security forces and order that can prevail.

In Tancitaro, all the town council had denounced the threats and a councilman’s life was lost because of that stance. Mexico is losing its ability to govern little by little. From the moment in which authority cannot survive the situation, we are in the hands of the underworld which drives the pieces left of the government at its whims.

We saw this in the attacks on the news media and its reporters. Yesterday another reporter was murdered after barely reporting the robbery of arms from the Chihuahua State Police. Here they (organized crime) were trying to control what is conveyed to the public and to report only what they want, when they want.

The concern of the politicians should not be [which party wins]. The real reason to give them anxiety toward 2012 should be if there will be authority that can reign with moderation and liberty in all corners of the country.

It is not merely because they are small cities. Hell should be enlarged.


-end of report-

One Response to “Nearly 5 tons of cocaine seized in joint operation”

  1. Memo Says:

    It’s Bush’s fault.!

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