Over the weekend: Colombian FARC and drug trafficking hit hard; Mexican asylum cases increasing

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The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) extracts and condenses the material that follows from Mexican and Central and South American on-line media sources on a daily basis. You are free to disseminate this information, but we request that you credit NAFBPO as being the provider.

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Saturday 9/25/10

El Universal and El Financiero (Mexico City) 9/24/10

FARC military leader “Mono Jojoy” was located by GPS

The death of Victor Julio Suarez Rojas, a.k.a. Jorge Briceno or “Mono Jojoy,” chief of military operations for the Colombian insurgent group FARC, [M3 Report 9/24/10] came about after a lengthy intelligence operation and the use of a Global Positioning System (GPS) planted in his boot. According to Colombian radio network RCN, “Mono Jojoy” suffered from diabetes that caused him foot problems and could not wear the boots normally used by FARC soldiers. Colombian intelligence managed to intercept a communication from him requesting special footwear. When he received the boots, he was unaware that they contained a GPS device embedded in them that would transmit his position for several days. Government forces received the first signal on Monday of last week and initiated an unsuccessful bombardment of the camp. “Mono Jojoy” then moved to another encampment which was bombed on Thursday, killing him. The death of “Mono Jojoy” is considered the strongest blow against the rebel group in its 45 years of existence.

US President Barack Obama congratulated Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos for the successful operation against the guerrilla group, saying, “it’s a great day for the people of Colombia and for those who seek peace in the region.”




A tough job assignment

An unidentified armed group shot and critically wounded Ricardo Solis Manriquez, the mayor-elect of Gran Morelos, who is scheduled to assume the mayoral position October 9. At present he is in critical condition in a hospital. Only the day before, Prisciliano Rodriguez, mayor of Doctor Gonzales, Nuevo Leon, was assassinated by gunfire. So far this year, 11 municipal mayors have been attacked by armed groups. Ten have died in the attacks.



El Financiero (Mexico City) 8/24/10

Major blow to cocaine traffic

Panama – Panamanian National Police seized three tons of cocaine, valued at some 15 million dollars, in what is the hardest blow against narcotraffic this year. The drug was being transported by two men, whose nationalities are unknown, in a 50-foot fast boat in the Caribbean, presumably coming from Colombia. Gunfire was exchanged in the pursuit before the crew abandoned the boat and fled into a mangrove swamp. The last report from the police was that, “we are in pursuit; we will capture them shortly.”



Narco-submarine captured in Pacific

Bogota, Colombia (Notimex) – Colombian authorities discovered a narco-submarine with the capability of transporting eight tons of cocaine out of the country. According to Naval officials, the submersible was discovered in an operation carried out along the Pacific coast near Satinga in western Colombia. Although there were no arrests or drug seizures resulting from the operation, finding the submarine represents a material loss of an estimated one million dollars to the drug cartel plus the future loss of a means for transporting drugs.



Anti-drug raid in East Texas; suspect links with Mexican cartel

Dallas, Texas (Notimex) – Dozens of FBI agents burst into a ranch in East Texas to question residents of the place about the exchange of arms for drugs with a Mexican cartel. The raid, which took place outside the town of Henderson in Rusk County, resulted in the seizures of “multiple firearms,” but no drugs were reported. After searching nine houses on the property, agents arrested Victor Hernandez Jr., 30. “The indications of the charges are that Hernandez and his family are part of a drug trafficking organization, one of the cartels,” said Arnold Spencer, of the US Attorney’s office in East Texas. The family is also suspected of being involved with “fraudulent sales of Social Security cards and immigration green cards.”



US becoming more receptive to Mexican asylum petitions

Washington, D.C. (Notimex) – The number of Mexican petitions for political (sic) asylum approved by US immigration authorities have increased by more than 300 percent in the past three years, reported National Public Radio. Despite this, the number of those granted asylum represents hardly a fraction of the requests, which have been increasing in recent years. The report from the radio chain indicated that in recent years, US immigration authorities have become more receptive to those cases which have been able to demonstrate fear of persecution by drug cartels. The phenomenon gained relevance in recent days after the announcement that the US granted asylum to Jorge Luis Aguirre, editor of the periodical La Polaka in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, and who, two years ago, received death threats. Carlos Spector, an immigration lawyer in El Paso, Texas, considers Aguirre’s case good news. “We were all waiting for the first case because there have been so many applications presented,” he said.



Novedades de Quintana Roo (Cancun, QR) 9/24/10

Four undocumented Chinese arrested

Merida, Yucatan – Mexican authorities arrested four undocumented Chinese, one of them a female, and their three Mexican smugglers. Their destination was the US border, but police encountered them while investigating an unrelated jewel robbery in Merida.



Sunday 9/26/10

El Universal (Mexico City) 9/25/10

Obama criticizes immigration deadlock in US

US President Barack Obama, in an interview with popular Spanish language television personality Don Francisco, charged the Republicans with the responsibility for the deadlock on the proposed law that would permit youths to legalize their immigration status after two years in college or the armed forces. “We could not achieve this debate because not one Republican was willing to vote for the initiative. That has been a source of frustration,” the president said during the taped TV interview on Univision [a Spanish language TV network in the US ]. The president added, “But I hope that after the elections, maybe some of the Republicans who supported the measure before come back (with us), recover good sense and recognize that this is what should be done.”

The president also said that the health reform does not include coverage for the undocumented because of lack of a budget. “We have obtained health insurance for 30 million people. And this includes perhaps 9 million Latinos because …the group most prone to not having insurance, despite being employed, is the Hispanic.” He added, “We can’t cover all undocumented workers. There was no budget for that and frankly, the true solution (consists in that) it be assured that they become legal (residents). Once they become that (legal), we can give them the opportunity to become citizens: then they will be eligible for the same benefits as all the rest.”

Rounding out his interview with questions from listeners, Obama returned to blaming Republicans for the lack of immigration reform. Referring to the Arizona Law against illegal immigration, the president said that the issue illustrates the need for immigration reform. “The Democrats, including me, are firmly supporting an integrated migratory reform. We have not had the cooperation of the other side. If we don’t get cooperation from the other side, it is very difficult for us to resolve this problem.”



Monday 9/27/10

El Universal (Mexico City) 9/26/10

Mexican Federal Police save 67 migrants in Chiapas

Comitan, Chiapas – Mexican Federal Police rescued a group of 67 Central American migrants packed in a hidden compartment of a truck trailer and suffering from dehydration. A truck hauling a trailer loaded with hay was stopped by the police near the city of Comitan and during inspection, a small compartment was discovered containing the migrants. The driver of the truck, a Mexican, was arrested and the migrants, believed to be from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, were turned over to immigration authorities (INM) for deportation.

An addition to the above story related that the INM at the airport in Tapachula, Chiapas, arrested a citizen of Pakistan who tried to evade inspection by pretending to be handicapped. According to the INM report, during immigration inspections of arriving passengers at the airport, a Mexican citizen told authorities that his companion, whom he identified as Javier Barraza Sepulveda, was a deaf mute and presented a card issued by the Mexican National Union of the Deaf and Mute. The agents weren’t convinced because the man’s Mexican voting card (IFE) didn’t match the other. The man then identified himself as Faisal Tariq, a national of Pakistan



-end of report-

2 Responses to “Over the weekend: Colombian FARC and drug trafficking hit hard; Mexican asylum cases increasing”

  1. lyn Says:

    The FBI raided houses in Minneapolis in search of evidence of terrorist links.
    This summer the Federal Supreme Court redefined “material support” to the enemy to also include free speech by United States citizens at the direction of foreign governments or terrorist groups.

    Will this be used against Mexico’s blatant intervention within American domestic politics?

    • pf Says:

      In answer to your question, “Will this be used against Mexico’s blatant intervention within American domestic politics?”, I personally seriously doubt this will have any affect on Mexico’s interference in our business. Political correctness and this disgusting “love affair” and entitlement mentality currently in play with Mexico and pandering to the thousands of illegal voters currently here will prevent any change.

      Incidentally, I heard a very very interesting statistic yesterday regarding voter turnout. Generally, only about 15% of hispanics bother to turn out to vote. Historically, white population turnout is far greater – and whites still make up the majority in California and elsewhere. All the more reason to get out and vote the socialist agenda out!

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